Emerging Adults
In Westernised cultures, 20-30 year olds go through an ambiguous waiting period where there is a transition from adolescence into adulthood.
(We could perhaps personalise this with a character/feelings eg; Sam is a young adult and is not sure about...")
Audience Needs
Understanding of the term or transition 'emerging adulthood' and shown that they are not fully matured/accomplished adults yet, but that's okay. They have not failed, there is just a new stage in life and their transition/process is longer; brought on by 21st Century changes.
• Understanding, reassurance, embracing & understanding the journey they are on.
• Help our Target audience to understand and navigate this ambiguous time in their lives and help them to feel alright about being in this stage/space in time.
• Create a movement that aids to facilitate those who are in the period of 'emerging adulthood,' to celebrate and embrace the exciting and ambiguous time they have to live in the moment, and simply life life for life.
(could we add this) We aim to generate a diverse campaign that is not a 'one size fits all' approach?
Jason has suggested we perform research through as many means as possibly, because this is something that is not talked about often, or commonly heard of day to day. The research will give us a much more comprehensive understanding from a spectrum of individuals, even if this may be 7 in total. Ask as many open ended questions as possible (questions that do not have a 'yes' or 'no' answer, but more of a 'what pressures do you feel in society or amongst peers' etc. which they can say 'I dont feel any' or explain.)
He also feels we shouldn't over-complicate anything.
Some key causes that may contribute to delayed EA:
• Lack of independance
• Not wanting to try new things, because they are scared of the unknown.
• Outlook on life and their upbrining.
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