Monday, 14 September 2015

Prototyping X2 – MS

1) Guide Advice (How To) Book to following your own path packed with pull out posters and interactive material such as 'path' quizzes and could feature articles or stories from people who are either struggling to find their way or for those that have succeeded and can share how. (Guru style QA section, perhaps?) Small format, A4 or A5 and well illustrated.

2) Experience/Awareness Campaign Where we set up an event where there are laser cut feet of all shapes, sizes and colours on the floor which leaed in different diffections. Guests invited to follow one set each which will take them to a different room or outside, where there are games/activities or inspirational talks. some of the activities could involve a mirror with "I am going to..." or "I will.." which they can write on, and so on.. ?? There could also be a 'door' which they can walk through into 'the unknown' and they find out they can make and do whatever they want.
This campaign could extend to the street where you could have footsteps or arrows or birds in flight, which are along the pavement or at intersections, on walls.. The mirrors could be in public also, along with quotes or pieces of advice on paper pull aways which can be ripped off and taken with them..
The aim is to create awareness and get them thinking about their future/path/life in a beautiful, positive way.

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