Monday, 14 September 2015

Week 7 Session 1

Notes from class:
– 'Skate for Hope' campaign ->
– User-centred design
– YOMO 'your one minute of'
– 5 ways of knowledge 
– Focused on 'Take notice'
– Boxes, signs and a seat (intervention in people's day, take notice)

A few idea's shared:
Parks, skateboard designs, online sharing stories and images (blog?)
Merchandise, ride  together, t-shirt and competition or at events or something to help facilitate workshops or to create similar events elsewhere. Lo-Fi
Wiser community/radio/other people giving time to this project.

Reward centre of the brain (stress release) could mean little acts of kindness or volunteer/pro bono work.
Could leave little notes to make people feel happy 

Class feedback:
Pinned up research & POV statement/'The Surprisingly'

Overall, our peers seemed to relate to a few of the feelings and statements taken from our research. There was definitely a personal element and connection with the text.

• Idea's are there, just needs clarifying.
• Add some full stops or break up the paragraph of the suprisingly statement.
• our statement may not be just about 20's, but the period of emerging adults in general.
• Wiremu found it a little confusing until he fully engaged with the text later – he reckons it just needs some restructuring or different choice of words in terms or grammar.
• Outcomes are not as impt right now.
* Still need from Jason.

3 Solution idea's 
(utilising free resources, if someone leaves a camera to take photos and next person can do same. Swing/activities/interactive fill in the gap) 
and how we will include each of these aspects in the exercise:

– Connect
– Be Active
– Give
– Take Notice
– Keep learning

–> Then HMW Questions?

• Grace has suggested that we could potentially talk to travellers or working professionals etc in their late 30's or 40's (older than 30 - people who have possibly completely/passed through the phase of the emerging adult period.)
This way, they can share and discuss their tips on how they transitioned, and what may have helped them. 
The information would then be passed on to those that could benefit.

• 'Sharing the Story' - Stories can be collected, shared and dispersed (more personal or intimate)
• Somehow remind the TA there may be a way you could slow down occasionally; take your time and don't rush.
• Intervention in public environment:
Glass panel or perspex panel (for safety) with the words "I don't fit in, but.."
or "I am broke, but.."/"I am single, but.." already written.
members of the public, specific to our demographic may want to participate in writing messages onto the panels. By starting on a negative note, the audience is encouraged to complete the sentence on a positive note.
This also encourages interaction and participation form the public for a more engaging and effective outcome. This could then be video'ed and shared or accessed online.
The location and people who inhibit or use the space will need to respresent our demographic once again.
• peer to peer advice amongst Generation Y to establish confidence, connection and unity. We are all going through the same boat and it's time we felt comfortable in our own journey, so who better than to encourage?
– advice could also be sourced from professionals and simplified down into a quiz path.. like in magazines where you end up with a result. The questions or steps could be lighthearted and lead you down yes or no's until you get to an advice section which the reader can learn from and hopefully listen to.
• volunteer work or small acts of kindness are a form of stress release and could make the student feel like they are gaining personal success as well as achieving something.

Prototyping in class tomorrow!! 
Draw the experience exercise at uni?

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